
Allows you to ignore specific errors based on the type, message, or URLs in a given exception. (default)

Import name: Sentry.inboundFiltersIntegration

This integration is enabled by default. If you'd like to modify your default integrations, read this.

This integration allows you to ignore specific errors based on the type, message, or URLs in a given exception.

By default, it'll ignore errors that start with Script error or JavaScript error: Script error.

To configure this integration, use the ignoreErrors, ignoreTransactions, denyUrls, and allowUrls SDK options directly. For example:

  ignoreErrors: ["ignore-this-error"],

Type: (string|RegExp)[]

A list of strings or regex patterns that match error messages that shouldn't be sent to Sentry. Messages that match these strings or regular expressions will be filtered out before they're sent to Sentry. When using strings, partial matches will be filtered out, so if you need to filter by exact match, use regex patterns instead. By default, all errors are sent.

Type: (string|RegExp)[]

A list of strings or regex patterns that match transaction names that shouldn't be sent to Sentry. Transactions that match these strings or regular expressions will be filtered out before they're sent to Sentry. When using strings, partial matches will be filtered out, so if you need to filter by exact match, use regex patterns instead. By default, transactions spanning typical API health check requests are filtered out.

Type: (string|RegExp)[]

An array of strings or regex patterns that match the URLs of scripts where errors have been created. Only errors that have been created on these URLs will be sent to Sentry. If you use this option, errors will only be sent when the top stack frame file URL contains or matches at least one entry in the allowUrls array. All string entries in the array will be matched with stackFrameUrl.contains(entry), while all RegEx entries will be matched with stackFrameUrl.match(entry).

For example, if you add '' to the array, errors created on will be captured because URL will be matched with "contains" logic and the last segment of the URL contains

This matching logic applies for captured exceptions, not raw message events. By default, all errors are sent.

If your scripts are loaded from and your site is, you can set allowUrls to the follwing to exclusively capture errors being created in scripts in these locations:

  allowUrls: [/https?:\/\/((cdn|www)\.)?example\.com/],

Type: (string|RegExp)[]

An array of strings or regex patterns that match the URLs of scripts where errors have been created. Errors that have been created on these URLs won't be sent to Sentry. If you use this option, errors will not be sent when the top stack frame file URL contains or matches at least one entry in the denyUrls array. All string entries in the array will be matched with stackFrameUrl.contains(entry), while all RegEx entries will be matched with stackFrameUrl.match(entry).

This matching logic applies to captured exceptions not raw message events. By default, all errors are sent.

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